This consultation is now closed.


The REFEDS Schema Editorial Board's Pronoun subcommittee has proposed a new attribute to be added to the eduPerson schema that would provide a way for an individual to record, in a free-form, human-readable manner, their preferred personal pronouns.


Included as supporting material for implementers is this document. While not officially part of the consultation, feedback on the informative text is welcome.

This consultation is open from: 27 April 2022 15:00 CET to 25 May 2022 17:00 CET.

Participants are invited:

  • to consider the proposed new attribute for the eduPerson schema; and
  • to propose appropriate changes / challenges to the proposed document.

The PDF for the consultation is available. All comments should be made on: or added to the changelog below. Comments posted to other channels will not be included in the consultation review.

Change Log

comment #Line/Reference #Proposed Change or QueryProposer / AffiliationAction / Decision (please leave blank)
114I think we can afford to spell out the word "number" in "# of values"  (applies to all of eduPerson, actually)

I am happy to take back to the schema board to suggest updating all of eduPerson to change out # for number, but changing it for just this attribute would introduce an inconsistency. 

220, 36

Please clarify the example ‘She/ella* O $ او, 她/她, היא’ – what are "O $" meant to signify here? (Not that I understand the rest of the string to the right of these characters but with both "O" and "$" coming from ASCII I feel I should be able to understand those.)

330There's only one 'Example', maybe drop the plural.We will be adding a second example.
422-23"Preferred words to reference the person" is clunky.  Why not replace those words with "These personal pronoun(s)"?Andrew Morgan These may not actually be pronouns; some people may prefer to use their personal name. So we've left this open to personal decision. We will also add an example to this effect at the end of line 23.
536The example SAML atttributeValue includes a person's name ("Mona, ...") but this is the first occurrence of that convention in this document.  I suggest introducing this construct with the list of examples on lines 19-20 or replacing the attributeValue with one of the examples from lines 19-20.Andrew Morgan Will fix; we will include this as another example (but will use a different name)
630Why isn't there an LDIF/LDAP example?  Other eduPerson attributes include an LDAP example, although eduPersonAnalyticsTag does not. Andrew Morgan 

LDIF fragment:
eduPersonDisplayPronouns: Mona, or She/ella* 

711Line 11 is blank.  Should there be an "EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch" statement here?Andrew Morgan We will remove the blank line. Because it's not a fixed value, this value shouldn't be indexed (see the implementer's guidance). We will also add this information to Notes.
836-37Probably just a wrapping problem in the PDF, but I don't think the closing tag "</saml:AttributeValue>" should be directly after the last character of the string (no newline, no extra spaces).Andrew Morgan It is a line wrapping problem. Will fix.
926Does the list of negative inferences need to include sex assigned at birth? (Or otherwise made non-exhaustive.)We will adjust to say "..., sex assigned at birth, biology, etc."
1035" (Quotation Mark) vs ” (Right Double Quotation Mark) for XML attributesGuy Halse will fix.

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