This consultation opens on 4 October 2022 and closes on 8 November 2022 at 17:00 CET.


The REFEDS Entity Categories Development Working Group has developed a revision to the Anonymous Authorization Entity Category.  This revision normalizes the language and requirements, as appropriate, across all three access-related entity categories (i.e., Anonymous, Pseudonymous, and Personalized Access Entity Categories) and changes the full name from Anonymous Authorization to Anonymous Access.


Included as supporting material for implementers are two documents:

While not officially part of the consultation, feedback on the informative text is welcome.

This consultation is open from: 4 October 2022 to 8 November 2022 17:00 CET.

Participants are invited:

  • to consider the proposed revisions to this entity category

The PDF for the consultation is available. All comments should be made on: or added to the changelog below. Comments posted to other channels will not be included in the consultation review.

Change Log

comment #Line/Reference #Proposed Change or QueryProposer / AffiliationAction / Decision (please leave blank)

5.1 Required Attributes

eduPersonEntitlement is no longer listed as required attribute, whereas just published its "Contract Language Model License Agreement 1.0" that refers to the anonymous entity category and lists the entitlement attribute.

Rather confusing. Is the new consultation not aligned with

Thomas Lenggenhager, SWITCH

The SeamlessAccess material refers to the older entity categories. The discussion of entitlements was not complete in either document, the original entity categories or this contract language model.

We recommend that all parties refer to Federated Authorization Best Practices for the best ways to handle authorization, including the use of entitlement. There must be further discussion (possibly in FIM4L) regarding the use cases and appropriate principles for authorization.

No change necessary to the entity category.

2line 76Inconsistency of formatting in "schacHomeOrganization". It should be monospace throughout.Alex Stuart, JiscEditorial change. Will fix.

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