- Albert showed the This is a demo from Enrique which shows trustinfo filtering using various filters
- Uses the JSON form of the original trustinfo space:
- expects a BASE64 encoded JSON blob
- attribute = ""
- will handle multi-valued
- demo is for the advanced integration button and not through metadata (yet!)
- We discussed the live PR for pyFF Trust Info metadata in JSON blob in entity attribute, which codes for similar mechanism to the demo, above.
- If we (REFED Working Group) wants to make interventions we need to do it soon
- We discussed Albert's edit to the draft spec for the name of the entity attributes ({some-namespace}/idp-selection ) and noted that we need to decide whether that namespace is
- category? But this is an entity attribute not a category
- profile? Like MFA/SFA
- nothing? Like SIRTFI, SIRTFI2, assurance
- attribute? Mint a new namespace for entity attributes?
- Action on Alex: Ask REFEDS SC to determine what the namespace should be
- comment on Enrique's PR to say that discussion in REFEDS WG about EA name, so please don't use until we're done
Alex Stuart
I did ask REFEDS Steering Committee and their response was along the lines of:
Alex Stuart
I made a comment on the PR: