

  • Looking at draft report:
  • Albert assets that SeamlessAccess reading JSON and pyFF using XML are two use cases & we need to keep them in sync (this has been put in the report)
  • JSON representation is created manually from the XML
  • Notion of global profile: in EntitiesDescriptor or from pyFF. Do we want to mention this in the interim report. Would eduGAIN be able to consume and process this correctly?
  • trust marks ... generalisation from entity attribute? Not quite. But the WG doesn't know enough. Might be something in VC space
  • We are finding it difficult to deploy. We already know that change management of version 2.0 of specs in our space is difficult, this is worse: it's how to deploy anything new. We don't include a mechanism for how to evolve. trustinfo blob is a way of working around
  • Range of different capabilities of metadata consumers.
  • Talked about proxies and presenting SP/IdP in metadata ... subset of SAML used in a specific way ... checking on too many things that don't need means that we lose the facility to innovate.
  • All this is talking about innovation in a decentralised system. might be relevant.


  • On Alex: work out whether global entityattribute can be processed correctly by eduGAIN
  • On Albert: run the draft report through ChatGPT
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