

  • pyFF 2.1.3 tagged today
  • Bjorn has an SP using Swamid profile. His demo uses a URL with trustProfile=swamid-only (Enrique's demo uses the button). The profile is defined in the SP's metadata then goes to pyFF aggregator, pyFF outputs two streams ds.json ds-sp.json
  • eduGAIN should process this entity attribute correctly: it will not filter it out, nor truncate the value in the database
  • Alex Stuart discovered that pyFF doesn't process entity attributes at the EntitiesDescriptor level and has filed a bug: eduGAIN should decide what to do with entity attributes at the aggregate level before this issue is fixed & rolled into the eduGAIN MDS.
  • We discussed which will truncate the value, but only in that API call. The Working Groups considers that this API output will become less useful as trustinfo entity attributes happen. Bjorn suggested that it's removed from eduGAIN; it's certainly no interest for this working group.
  • demo at TechEx ACAMP?
  • There's also a 1-hour meeting SeamlessAccess/Internet2 at TechEx (senior business folks) ... they will want to see that this is in place. Albert expects one of the things they will talk about is how to scale out to R&E. Is this something we want to drive as a standard? And note that other protocols coming up (OID Federation / Wallet / ...) so how do we reuse this technology?
  • How would UKf add the entity attribute? Alex says relatively simply: post a spec, update toolchain, register entity attribute with an SP, see what comes through eduGAIN.
  • Other feds? InCommon won't need to change database but would need to do work on UI: text box with metadata, UI does the base64 encode and into metadata.
  • The more it's used, the more people will go to SeamlessAccess documentation - it's more developer-focussed documentation and seem lacking
  • How much support will the fedop need to provide to SPs? Or can they go to SeamlessAccess?
  • liblynx should contact UKf service manager to get the request on the radar
  • Issue: metadata controlled by federation, so does SeamlessAccess need to provide a federation operators guide? Checklist of things
  • Would adoption of SeamlessAccess by eduGAIN promote use
  • Describe full journey to use core features (incl filtering)

Next week: prep for ACAMP. WG perspective: Some slides. SeamlessAccess: a demo. InCommon would like to have use as specific use case of the general idea. Some profiles?

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