

  • Global profiles are out: neither pyFF nor Shibboleth MDA pass them. Bjorn looked at pyFF, it would be hard to fix the issue.
  • md_source considered harmful because it's an internal quantity
  • registrationAuthority ... all federations in eduGAIN and OpenAthens have it, but what about future metadata sources that are consumed by SeamlessAccess? SeamlessAccess could require this from its metadata
  • Filtering use cases? R&S, Sirtfi ... should be covered by the existing trustinfo specification
  • Future use cases ... define the contents of the value; scale out to other federations;
  • Back to LibLynx and how federation operators can support them ... that's the ACAMP session, and see what should be in version 2.
  • Need to have REFEDS WG and SeamlessAccess/ talking as we develop the specification further
  • Starting to talk about Entity Selection Profile entity attribute
    • agreed on one value of EntityAttribute to start
    • more than one discovery service? Not a problem. Multiple profiles in one blob and different discovery services ... what abot the intended audience? different profiles, and each targetted to the consumer. 3 different profiles for seamless, 3 for eduTEAMS, send all 6 in a single EA value. This needs to be written up in the spec why we didn't go down this route ...
    • entity needs to write the value, so it needs to know all the downstream consumers,
  • SeamlessAccess should work on a stable place for Leif and group's trustinfo spec
  • We revistied the discusson about whether EA name should be idp-discovery not entity-selection-profile. We thought SP selection by IdP isn't going to happen in SAML time, and can start again in OID Federation.
  • What else missing in spec?
    • Some concrete use cases
    • this is specification for transport and not the contents, SAML-safe string
  • No labels