A note from the editors:
To the MFA Profile reviewers,
Thank you for taking the time to review and provide feedback for the latest revision to the REFEDS MFA Profile.
The original REFEDS Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Profile was published in June 2017. Since its publication, the R&E community has provided a lot of valuable feedback on how the Profile should evolve to facilitate even wider adoption. Some of them were captured in an updated FAQ.
This update continues our effort to make the REFEDS MFA Profile clearer and easier to adopt. With V1.1, we focused on clarifying key implementation details, such as making the Profile usable with multiple messaging protocols (SAML and OIDC), while staying true to the intent of the original Profile.
Now we need your help: let us know whether this is the direction you’d like to see the REFEDS MFA Profile evolve. Tell us how well this Profile update reflects your expectation on the Profile. Join us on October 6 (Zoom coordinates below) for a Community Chat, or provide feedback using the feedback channels listed below.
Readings for the October 6 Community Chat:
To maximize our time during the October 6 Chat, please read the draft Profile ahead of time. Along the editing journey, we encountered issues that needed to be addressed, but fell outside the scope of this update. To capture them, we have provided an "Editors' Notes" document. Where applicable, we also included recommendations for future actions. As you review the draft Profile, use the Editors' Notes as a companion guide. It should provide some insight into our discussions and rationale for including (or excluding) certain elements in this update.
Thank you again. We look forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
The Profile editors / REFEDS MFA Profile Subgroup
- [PROFILE] REFEDS MFA Profile v1.1 - draft
- [NOTES] READ ME: Editors' Notes for the REFEDS MFA Profile v1.1
Community Chat
Topic: REFEDS Community Chat: REFEDS MFA Profile v1.1 public review
Time: October 6, 2022 14:00 UTC
Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84810077598?pwd=eTBLZ3hFTDN5Y2R5VHYzOE1qZnF0Zz09
Feedback Channels:
SlackChannel: #assurance-mfa-subgroup at https://edugain.slack.com/
E-mail list: assurance-mfa-subgroup@lists.refeds.org (subscribe: https://lists.refeds.org/sympa/info/assurance-mfa-subgroup)
Alternatively, enter your proposed changes or questions directly in the table below:
Change Log
comment # | Document | Line/Reference # | Proposed Change or Query | Proposer / Affiliation | Action / Decision (please leave blank) |
1 | PROFILE | ||||
2 | NOTES | ||||