Meeting Invitation
Topic: Error Handling WG
Time: Mar 12, 2020 12:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Every week on Thu, until Mar 19, 2020, 5 occurrence(s)
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Working Document - Use Cases and Errors
- Demo SP (SWAMID)
- There is now a demo php-site up for the errorURL:
- The code is at
- Wrap up technical requirements
- Next steps - writing this up for public comment
- There is now a demo php-site up for the errorURL:
(This is not a full SP; just an application example) - The code is at
What is the behavior if one of the tags is not included or the IdP does not support it? They should all be considered optional.
Wrap up technical requirements
What we have is sufficient for community comment
Next steps
Complete demo php-site with good examples so we have a reference implementation for people to consider. Should also do some visual distinction to show which part is for the SP, which for the IdP. Maybe a flow diagram?
Alan Buxey (and hopefully Scott Cantor ) will work on where we need to create appropriate text for the error messages (see config.php
Fredrik Domeij will give people the necessary GitHub repository access as needed)
Write this up for public comment;
This is going to cover both a technical component as well as descriptive text
This will go out through the REFEDS community consultation process
Fredrik Domeij and Andrew Morgan will work on drafting the official proposal; Heather will check in on Tuesday to see where we stand, and whether we should have a call on Thursday to discuss.
Heather to add three more weeks for the WG