REFEDS Assurance pilot telco
Monday 16rd April 2018 at 15:30 CEST/16:30 EEST/8:30 CDT
CERN’s Vidyo portal:
Jim B
Sami S
Timo T
Michal P
Michael S
Mikael L
- test SPs around
- new SWITCHaai test SP with MFA/SFA support, has also buttons to trigger SFA, MFA and (SFA or MFA) :
- ELIXIR test SP cannot still receive and process the incoming AuthnContexts due to its proxy setup
- status and findings on testing IdPs with test SPs
- SWITCHaai works as expected
- fixed OID mismatch in ePAssurance configuration
- CSC: everything works as expected
- Aalto: everything done already and works
- Masaryk University: MFA/SFA support deployed to a development IdP. Next moving to testing instance
- Ask Lukas if the SWITCHaai test SP is willing to consume IdP metadata coming outside eduGAIN
- new configuration examples
- some config examples updated by Timo
- next call Wednesday 2nd May 2018 at 15:30 CEST/16:30 EEST/8:30 CDT