- Federations - opt-out, not opt-in, please! And republish eduGAIN entities in your main MD feed, not a separate one.
- Entities - Adopt R&S
Entities - ECP support (configured and endpoint registered in MD).
adopt R&S
adopt R&S
adopt R&S
- join edugain
- support R&S and CoCo
Fix discovery
IdPs in Europe support GEANT CoCo for attribute release
IdPs populate common attributes (ePA with common semantics, ePTID, cn, schacHomeOrg...) and a persistent ID (ePUID?)
Support REFEDs R&S
Help get campus chancellors, provosts and CIOs to make it clear to central IT that support for R&S is essential, and must not be treated as an annoyance or distraction
cooperate across federations to ensure that one or more IdPs of Last Resort a) meet R&S requirements, b) are guaranteed to have long-term sustainability
Federations develop and IdPs support a LoA floor.
support REFEDs R&S.
tag IdPs that do (or do not) re-assign ePPN.
prepare now for future participation in federated security incident response and the Sirtfi framework.
Get rid of remaining few SAML1 SPs.
Make all IdPs upgrade to Shib3.
Make remaining IdPs opt-in for interfederation.
Adopt a set of SAML implementation requirements such as the eventual output/adaptation to REFEDS needs of the InCommon Fed Interop WG
Support the work of FedLab to adopt SAML implementation and deployment tests that we can point SAML implementation vendors, cloud "SAML-in-the-app" implementations, and institutional deployers at to help them determine where they may need to make changes to interoperate with scalable SAML federations
A focused push for REFEDS R&S adoption like what Keith has asked for.
- To All UKF SP’s: please stop using the UKF central DS if you are not in eduGAIN ( or if you have your own WAYF/DS and are not in eduGAIN, use the registrationauthority tag to filter)
- To FedOps everywhere: stop accepting metadata from SP’s that omit RequestedAttributes.
- To entities everywhere, migrate to SAML2, hide your SAML1 endpoints thereafter.