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Heather Flanagan is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: REFEDS Schema Editorial Board - March 2020
Time: Mar 12, 2020 01:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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- Catarina Ribeiro
- Mario Reale
- Keith Hazelton
- Open Actions
- Administrivia
- Board nominations
- Status of schema
- eduCourse
- voPerson
- Next steps for eduPerson
Board nominations
One nomination received; we need a minimum of two
Of the people whose term is ending and want to self-nominate, please do so
Miro is willing to continue but will step aside if we receive more nominations than we have slots for
Regarding process to handle too many nominations: Benn to follow up by next call
Regarding OneRoster - Keith - no update
Regarding voPerson OIDs - Heather has reached out to Nicole (as has Neils); we expect to hear back on this in a few weeks (need to follow up with Licia about the transfer from Terena to GEANT)
Miro - has been focused on other things; will come back to this
Benn - has submitted a proposal ( Benn will review against the needs for voPerson and will consider David’s comments in the text. Note regarding David’s comment about ldif, we never intended ldif to be the only example
Status of schema
eduCourse - there was a proposal that we would adopt the eduCourse schema; given this has been turned into OneRoster, it’s unclear still if we need to do anything with this. This relates to Keith’s action item re: OneRoster. Also unclear if this is being used in the wild yet. Will wait until we have more info from Keith.
voPerson - some progress regarding the representation of voPerson attributes in SAML. Benn created a branch 2.0 voPerson in GitHub so that progress can be made while other stuff is being sorted out. It will not be final until it’s ready to be managed by REFEDS. See
Next steps for eduPerson
Prioritization of Schema Board Work Item Portfolio - currently includes four open items
Work Item 5: Adding a Notes section to the eduPersonUniqueId definition - need to put something in a SAML-specific support page (example:
Work Item 6: Protocol-specific markup - consider having a master document that contains everything, with automated extraction for protocol-specific files
Alan Buxey will do some research to see if there are examples of documentation that will build itself out of a master file already in existence on GitHub
Work Item 7: Expand Attribute Values - are there one or two affiliations that would solve people’s problems? This needs to go to a working group or out for community discussion to see what actual use cases require. Example: contractor.
Alan Buxey and Heather Flanagan to create subcommittee charter on the potential expansion of affiliation values
Work Item 8: AcademicID - there is more than one initiative to create an identifier for campus people; how many of these do we want to support? They are already going to use the SCHAC PersonalUniqueID. What, if anything, should eduPerson support? If someone approaches us to ask us to support another thing like an ORCID, how do we support this? How likely is it that we’re going to see a bunch of requests come in? Perhaps just consider this on a case by case basis. If we did support unique identifiers from given efforts, need to indicate that populating these attributes should be done according to that efforts’ policies. We can’t protect this for them.
Consensus here is to deal with this on a case by case basis; will reconsider if we see a number of requests coming in.
Terry has reviewed; Alan to review what’s in the branch
SCIM - came up at the TIIME workshop. Action item was to do a mapping of eduPerson into a SCIM schema. Peter Gietz volunteered to run this subcommittee.
Heather Flanagan to reach out to Peter to kick off a SCIM committee
Issues on GitHub (
Regarding case, this is already specified in the specification (values can be mixed); some federations, though, assume/require all lower case. This sounds more like a bug report for the implementation, not the specification.
- Heather Flanaganto comment on the ticket and close
Regarding orcid, this is a fairly straightforward item - need to discuss, though, on the next call to discuss if/how to update narrative text and whether that requires a new release
- Heather Flanaganto add to the next agenda