
Open Action Items

  • For the eduPerson history -

    • Would still like to know where the breaking changes are (if there were any at all)

    • Benn will look through the change log and flag anything that looks like a minor/major change, and then propose what version we’re probably at from a perspective; see the eduPerson history doc. It suggests our current version is 4.2.0

  • Zenodo and GitHub - no update

  • Documentation auto build - Alan still looking at this

  • RFC6338bis - doc is ready for submission; Heather will work with Miro on that

Subcommittee Status

  • eduPersonAffiliation - group is meeting biweekly; still in discussion about affiliation vs entitlement and whether any new values to affiliation, or whether we need new attributes, or whether we need to direct people to entitlement

  • voPerson - the draft 2.0 doc is now using the new OID space; there are still some issues to resolve in the issues list. They aren’t complicated, but need to get people’s attention to finish them up

    • Could voPerson include an attribute for SSH key? Christos to open an issue in the voPerson tracker

  • SCIM - not enough interest to proceed. Heather has asked Peter Gietz to reach out to the people who were interested at TIIME, but hasn't heard back.

Taking on management of entity categories

  • SeamlessAccess has a working group developing 3 potential attribute-focused entity categories: Authorization Only, Anonymous, and Pseudonymous. Is the Schema Board willing to take on governance for entity categories like these, coming from third parties?
    • Would this apply to all entity categories, or just new ones? Would make sense to have everything under one umbrella.

    • Given how current entity categories are documented, it would be good to have everything in the same format. Right now, different entity categories are in different formats and that is confusing. We need to define a clearer, standard format for how entity categories are described.

    • For each proposed entity category, there will be a community that needs to be represented or lead the discussion. Wouldn’t want to assign ourselves of coming up with new ones and pushing for them. If a third party wants to come in and help support it, then we can act as the governing body.

LDAP schema

  • There is inconsistency about what’s provided on the wiki space, and in GitHub. The names of the files are different, even though the contents are the same. 

    • Terry Smith will clean the LDIF files, and look at the PR for a second LDIF file


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