


  1. Open Actions
  2. Administrivia
  3. Subcommittee status
    1. eduPersonReportingCode
    2. voPerson
  4. Entity Category status
  5. splitting the eduPerson spec into core and supplemental
    1. Splitting Protocols From Schema Documents
      1. Benjamin Oshrin and Keith Hazelton to update the Splitting Protocols document to describe the proposal in more detail, explaining the ramifications of the potential changes in more detail, and then sharing that with the community before we start work on eduPerson itself
  6. AOB


  1. Open Actions
    1. Benn needs to review Nicole’s response re: next steps for the ssh LDAP public key schema

    2. Benn and Keith have done some of the work on the Splitting Protocols doc

    3. Miro has reached out to the ADs and they’ve tossed it to another set of AD’s; Heather will take over the follow-up

  2. Administrivia
    1. nothing to report
  3. Subcommittee status
    1. eduPersonReportingCode -
      • Heather Flanagan will work with Nicole to kick off a consultation period for eduPersonReportingCode, taking into account upcoming holidays
    2. voPerson
      1. No update
  4. Entity Category status
    2. A counterproposal for the entity categories initiated by SeamlessAccess will be discussed on a call with that working group next week. The primary concerns for the entity categories as they stand is that a) the entitlement requirement is not implementable at scale, and b) that the entity categories were trying to do too many things at one time (attribute release as well as metrics).
  5. splitting the eduPerson spec into core and supplemental
    1. Splitting Protocols From Schema Documents
      1. Benjamin Oshrin and Keith Hazelton to update the Splitting Protocols document to describe the proposal in more detail, explaining the ramifications of the potential changes in more detail, and then sharing that with the community before we start work on eduPerson itself
      2. The idea is to follow the same model that Internet2's TAP is working on, which includes at a common data model and attribute vocabulary, and then a profile for each protocol. For eduPerson, this would look like: Take the 14 eduPerson attributes (their names and their definition without any reference to LDAP), then a second doc with the introduction and the list of attributes, then a third doc that would be the LDAP doc or maybe a doc on OIDC mappings. The major concern for this model is that it would result in sending a reader from one doc to the next.

        • Keith Hazelton will coordinate drafting a proposal to be sent to the community regarding these changes to how we organize the eduPerson spec

  6. AOB

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