
W3C Verifiable Credentials (VC) are increasingly important to our community with the rise of Decentralized Identity and Wallet ecosystems. Several VC-based credential definitions already exist for expressing skills and micro-credentials (e.g., the Openbadges 3.0 specification). However, there is no consistent and community-driven definition for expressing the 'identity related' credentials of the commonly used schema managed by REFEDs like e.g. eduPerson, SCHAC, and voPerson. This subcommittee sets out to define the VC representations of these well-known credentials so they may be used in a standardized and interoperable way.



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  1. I  would like to volunteer for this committee.

  2. I'd like to voluteer for this subcomittee

  3. I’d like to volunteer.

  4. I'm interested too, but I suspect our timezone will severely limit my ability to participate in meetings.

  5. I  would like to volunteer for this committee.

  6. +1 re: interest 

  7. Would it be possible to add a proposed timeline for the sub-committee completing work and/or proposed milestones for reporting on the work?

    1. It is not clear how blockchain is employed.
      Does this address wallet sharing or binding a specific VC to the owner of a wallet?

      1. EBSI runs a trust registry on their blockchain to allow for verifiers to check the legitimacy of an issued VC. For the schema above they registered GÉANT as trust root which I think is super cool. Binding issues were not looked into.

  8. +1 re: interest 

  9. +1 from me too (but smilar to John Scullen, I'm also in an inconvenient timezone, even a bit further: GMT+12)

  10. +1: #metoo (interested)