
The eduPersonAffiliation attribute currently has the following values allowed:

  • faculty, student, staff, alum, member, affiliate, employee, library-walk-in

Over the years, there have been various requests to extend that list to include values such as “contractor.” This subcommittee of the REFEDS Schema Board will review the existing values and suggest changes (if necessary). We’ll also look at any other issues or concerns with the definition and use of this attribute and come up with a proposal to adjust with a proposal.

Conclusion of the subcommittee (from the September 2020 meeting notes) :

We don’t seem to have a clear set of applications that would be able to consume “sponsored”. This would likely be something more internally focused within an institution. We do not have consensus nor a broad enough set of stakeholders from the interested communities to add anything to the controlled vocabulary for eduPersonAffiliation. Entitlement is open for organizations to use as they feel necessary, and we will work on creating a place for organizations to register the entitlement values and policies if they so choose. Given that, we will cancel future calls for this subcommittee; Alan, Heather, and Christos will report back to the Schema Board

For future work, a more concrete proposal needs to be initiated before a subcommittee is formed to discuss. The subcommittee is not the right place to create the definition.

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