This is a short summary of ideas that are relevant to European initiatives from the discussions at the Internet2 ACAMP sessions at the Technology Exchange in Miami.  This list is intended just to highlight ideas that might be of interest - please follow the links for more in-depth information.

Issues for eduGAIN

Issues for campus

  • Some discussion around how to separate the concept of someone being staff and student from a security perspective.  No concrete proposals.
  • A lot of focus on TIER-ish campus stuff - we don't have anything even close to this sort of focus in Europe at the moment.  Definite up-tick in number of campuses in room and engagement from campuses. 

Issues for AARC

  • Standardising vocabulary and group terminology in Grouper was discussed in session Grouper Deployment.   Grouper also discussed in a provisioning context.
  • Session on federated SSH may be useful for AARC people to look at (and Dick). 
  • Good session on SIRTFI - outputs have already been picked up by Hannah.

Issues for REFEDS

Issues for TrustTech




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