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EduID Working Group
To create a brand (eduID) which would make it easier to enhance the user's experience. The brand should be technology neutral, and the initiative should not be related to eduGAIN, as also non-EU participation is very much welcomed.
1) Create an international brand, "eduID ', including logo etc.
2) Set up a landing page for the brand; a non-technical website which explains what it is / does, who use it and why. This should be complemented with non-technical video and PR materials for eduID. This site should also point to the existing technical information as provided by e.g. REFEDS, Shibboleth, SAML, A-select, etc, etc.
3) Offer tooling for SP's that offer an 'easy' way to include the 'federation entry point' into their sites. By providing this, standardization will take place on the "entry point", which will not only significantly improve the user experience, but will also support the brand.
4) Support work within the core Shibboleth toolkit to improve the WAYF functionality and options for Service Providers installing.
- Nicole Harris (JISC)
- Licia Florio (TERENA)
- (Carrie Salomon) (TERENA)
- (Lonneke Walk) (SURFnet)
- Niels van Dijk (SURFnet)
- Bob Morgan (Internet2)
- Jens Haeusser (Univ. of British Columbia)
- Rod Widdowson (Edinburgh Univ.)
Financial / Technical Support
JISC is able to contribute funding of up to £40,000 to take this work forward. TERENA have volunteered to host the landing page. SURFNet are able to contribute staff effort.
Work To Date
- Contributions from Chad La Joie
- Notes from meeting held in Cardiff, November 2009
- Publisher Interface Study
- Article on eduID concept
- https://wiki.refeds.org/download/attachments/44958228/LH-TF-EMC2-Vienna.pdf?api=v2 - presentation from Lukas Hammerle
- https://www.terena.org/activities/tf-emc2/meetings/16/TF-EMC2-Discovery-schofield-20100922.pdf - presentation from Brook Schofield
- Oct 2010 eduID Business Case
- Dec 2010 Discovery Document
- May 2011 revised discover project