Affiliation and Entitlement Use Cases
- Recap of last call
- This committee will not consider removing any existing affiliation values
This committee cannot provide a definition for a researcher affiliation that would be globally accepted. The scope of an entitlement, however, can be as broad or as narrow as necessary; if the requirement is global, can’t do it, but if we can work locally with just a handful of definitions, then we can guide the use of entitlements. = local entitlement = local entitlement
- If definitions converge over time, the discussion regarding a definition for an affiliation value of "researcher" may be reopened
- Discussion: defining "sponsored" (and possibly coming up with a better name)
V/C information
Topic: eduPersonAffiliation subcommittee
Time: Sep 8, 2020 09:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Every 2 weeks on Tue, until Dec 15, 2020, 8 occurrence(s)
Sep 8, 2020 09:00 AM
Sep 22, 2020 09:00 AM
Oct 6, 2020 09:00 AM
Oct 20, 2020 09:00 AM
Nov 3, 2020 09:00 AM
Nov 17, 2020 09:00 AM
Dec 1, 2020 09:00 AM
Dec 15, 2020 09:00 AM
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Affiliation and Entitlement Use Cases
Recap of last call
- This committee will not consider removing any existing affiliation values
This committee cannot provide a definition for a researcher affiliation that would be globally accepted. The scope of an entitlement, however, can be as broad or as narrow as necessary; if the requirement is global, can’t do it, but if we can work locally with just a handful of definitions, then we can guide the use of entitlements. = local entitlement = local entitlement
- If definitions converge over time, the discussion regarding a definition for an affiliation value of "researcher" may be reopened
Discussion: defining "sponsored" (and possibly coming up with a better name)
The Ohio State uses this term for all their guest accounts; “sponsored” just means someone is sponsoring their account
Not sure that contractors/temp accounts are considered a classification more broadly
Reminder that eduPersonAffiliation was intended to be a search value; it was not intended for access control. Access control should be covered by entitlements. Entitlements can be used as a broad basis that acts as one piece of information for access control decisions.
If there is licensed online-only software, and the licensing contract is for staff only, is there any benefit to moving from an affiliation to an entitlement? If two vendors decide to disagree about what “staff” means for the purposes of their contract, then the policy decisions that define the relationship (the affiliation) then there is a significant problem. Better to automate an entitlement for that application that may use the “staff” affiliation as part of its assignment so if the policy changes with that vendor, then that does not impact the institution-wide policy that defines the staff affiliation.
Can we create a centralized location for organizations to register their definition of an entitlement value? Would this be used? Do vendors have enough information and use the tools (e.g., Ping Federate, Shibboleth)
that could support this?
We could update the spec to point to a wiki page where people could put in information about their definitions for values and policies.
We don’t seem to have a clear set of applications that would be able to consume “sponsored”. This would likely be something more internally focused within an institution. We do not have consensus nor a broad enough set of stakeholders from the interested communities to add anything to the controlled vocabulary for eduPersonAffiliation. Entitlement is open for organizations to use as they feel necessary, and we will work on creating a place for organizations to register the entitlement values and policies if they so choose. Given that, we will cancel future calls for this subcommittee; Alan, Heather, and Christos will report back to the Schema Board
For future work, a more concrete proposal needs to be initiated before a subcommittee is formed to discuss. The subcommittee is not the right place to create the definition.