Meeting Invitation

Topic: Error Handling WG
Time: Mar 12, 2020 12:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Every week on Thu, until Mar 19, 2020, 5 occurrence(s)
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Working Document - Use Cases and Errors

  1. Demo SP (SWAMID)
    1. There is now a demo php-site up for the errorURL:
    2. The code is at
  2. Wrap up technical requirements
  3. Next steps - writing this up for public comment



Wrap up technical requirements

  • What we have is sufficient for community comment

Next steps 

  • Complete demo php-site with good examples so we have a reference implementation for people to consider. Should also do some visual distinction to show which part is for the SP, which for the IdP. Maybe a flow diagram?

    • Alan Buxey  (and hopefully Scott Cantor ) will work on where we need to create appropriate text for the error messages (see config.php

    • Fredrik Domeij will give people the necessary GitHub repository access as needed)

  • Write this up for public comment;

    • This is going to cover both a technical component as well as descriptive text

    • This will go out through the REFEDS community consultation process

      • Fredrik Domeij and Andrew Morgan will work on drafting the official proposal; Heather will check in on Tuesday to see where we stand, and whether we should have a call on Thursday to discuss.

  • Heather to add three more weeks for the WG

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