REFEDS is developing template Federation Operator Practice guidelines.  These guidelines are aimed at helping emerging and existing Identity Federations build a series of statements to describe their Federation Operator Practice (FOP). The FOP is designed to help parties understand the technical processes a Federation undertakes to create the Federation trust framework.  It is designed to be a companion document to the Identity Federation Policy document and as such should work in a similar way.  As with the Federation policy, sections of the FOP may point or link to other documents or parts of the Federation website to demonstrate compliance or practice rather than include these processes directly in the FOP document.  One way of looking at the documents is that policy deals with WHO can be in a Federation and WHAT they can do, whereas the FOP deals with HOW the Federation ensures these rules are kept. 

The template will consist of five sections:

It will be part of the same document suite as the template Federation Policy Template. A draft Metadata Registration Practice Statement is available for comment.



From Mikael, not to do with text: