Problem statement

  1. the SP admin asks his/her boss if it is OK to commit to the iCoCo. The boss says carelessly “yes” 
  2. the next day the boss has studied the issue more, changed his/her mind and says that s/he hasn’t ever heard of the iCoCo and if s/he had s/he wouldn’t have ever allowed the organization to commit to the CoCo


Alternative solutions (from strong to weak evidence)

  1. The SP-organisation needs to present a paper with wet or qualified e-signature from a management level person saying “we are committed to the Code of Conduct and I’m a truly representative person of the organization”
  2. The manager level person needs to log in to something using his/her personal account and click a button saying “we are committed to the Code of Conduct and I’m a truly representative person of the organization”. Pressing the button is logged.
  3. The manager level person needs to send email to someone in eduGAIN to say “we are committed to the Code of Conduct and... 
  4. We have what we have for the GÉANT CoCo at the moment. Only element in SAML2 metadata and a link in the privacy policy document.


Proposed solution (alternative 2)


  1. The SP administrator submits the SP's SAML2 metadata to the Staging service
  2. A truly representative person from the Service Provider organization logs in to the Staging service selects the SP and clicks a button “we are committed to the Code of Conduct and I’m a truly representative person of the organization”. Clicking the button is logged for audit trail.
  3. The Staging service releases the SP's SAML2 metadata to eduGAIN Metadata service (MDS), with the Entity Category tags indicating commitment to the iCoCo

Proposed technical implementation