This list of Frequently Asked Questions is provided to complement the information contained in the Sirtfi Trust Framework Document.

General Questions

General questions are listed on the public facing site: 


Questions on Sirtfi Assertions

Operational Security [OS]

Q: Does this imply that only supported software, for which patches are actively supplied, should be used?
A: Many federated services within research and education rely on custom applications and development due to their age and complexity. Stipulating that only supported software be used may pose unnecessary obstacles for organisations joining the Sirtfi trust framework. OS2 implies that any software deployed by an organisation, custom or otherwise, must be actively maintained in the event that a vulnerability is identified.  

Q: Does this requirement apply to all systems run by an organisation, or just IdP/SP related services?
A: As discussed in the framework: "How comprehensively or thoroughly each asserted capability should be implemented across an organisation’s information system assets is not specified. The investment in mitigating a risk should be commensurate with the degree of its potential impact and the likelihood of its occurrence, and this determination can only be made within each organization". This is applicable to all Sirtfi assertions. 

Q: What is a “timely manner”?
A: The definition of appropriate timescales will vary per organisation based on maturity of the services and resource availability. response time should be commensurate with the scale of the incident. 

Q: What can I do if somebody does not respond to me in a "timely manner"? 
A: The entity is required to remove their Sirtfi certification if they can no longer comply with the framework. Should an entity fail to respond, work with your contacts within your federation and REFEDS to encourage collaboration.

Q: What is ITIL?
A: ITIL is a standardised glossary of definitions used within the IT community. It is referenced here to limit redefinition of accepted terms.

Q: Does this security incident response capability need to be documented?
A: Ideally this capability should be documented in the form of policies and procedures. For large organisations there is the expectation that a formalised capability exists. For smaller organisations it is possible that this capability is less formal and may simply be the availability of an individual to handle such incidents. The level of documentation available should be commensurate with the scale of the organisation and services.

Q: Should organisations have equivalent agreements with their subcontractors to ensure an incident response capability exists?
A: Best practice indicates that contracts with subcontractors should cover incident response. These contracts are out of scope in a federated context for the purposes of this framework. The Sirtfi trust framework could be used as a starting point for such contractual agreements.

Incident Response [IR]

Q: Are the security incident interactions covered intended to be limited to SAML interactions?
A: Using the Sirtfi security contact outside the scope of SAML is undefined. 

Q: Can Sirtfi compliant entities request contact information directly interact with end-users?
A: Sirtfi only mandates that communication between Sirtfi partners must be acknowledged. It is beyond the scope of this framework to demand the release of personal data on request.

Q: Will I need to use the TLP for all communication once I have agreed to Sirtfi?
A: The TLP should be used for federated incident response but there is no stipulation for other communication. All communication regarding federated incidents, i.e. incidents affecting the entity in the metadata, must have a traffic light colour assigned. Information on the protocol is widely available, e.g.

Traceability [TR]                                                                       

Q: How can I make sure that my logs are sufficient?
A: Check your logging configuration to make sure that you are storing timestamps and identifiers. It is important that these logs are available (or can easily be made available) to relevant personnel during incident response; ensure that your organisation has clear procedures on gaining access to logs for security purposes. The following example is an appender to a logback.xml file as used at a typical Shibboleth IdP that employs central logging to This example ensures that the IP of the remote client is recorded and may be used as inspiration for IdPs looking to improve the usability of their logs.

<appender name="IDP_SYSLOG" class="">
    <suffixPattern>[%thread] [%logger:%line] - [%mdc{idp.remote_addr}] %msg</suffixPattern>

The following extract shows the modified root element of logback.xml to include IDP_SYSLOG.

    <level value="INFO" />
    <appender-ref ref="IDP_PROCESS" />
    <appender-ref ref="IDP_WARN" />
    <appender-ref ref="IDP_SYSLOG" />


Participant Responsibilities [PR]

Q: Does this AUP need to be specific for identity federation?
A: No, as long as all activity conducted at entities within the federation is covered by an AUP.