
To get practical experience on REFEDS Assurance framework (RAF) and REFEDS Single-factor authentication (SFA) profile, including

The pilot will

The intention is to keep the pilot small and agile (to minimise the logistics) but have a good representation of SAML implementations.

Draft RAF specification and SFA specification suite is in the working group main page. REFEDS MFA v 1.0 is here.

Pilot steps

Steps for IdPs in the pilot

  1. Read  the RAF specification carefully and identify to which RAF assurance values the end users in the IdP would qualify
  2. Read the SFA and MFA specifications and identify which profile the IdP can satisfy (at least for some users)
  3. Decorate (at least some) end user accounts in the back-end IdM system with values found in (1). If all user accounts qualify to a particular value, the configuration can be done in the IdP server, too.
  4. Configure the SAML IdP to process the incoming Authentication context class reference requests, carry out the authentication as requested (or provide a proper error message) and deliver the proper Authentication context class reference and eduPersonAssurance attribute values in the response

 Steps for SPs in the pilot

  1. Read RAF, SFA (and MFA) carefully and deciding which RAF assurance values are interesting for the SP
  2. Configure the SP to request the SAML authentication context(s) from IdPs and observe/act on the values received.

For both IdPs and SPs it is also necessary to participate in the coordination and reporting of the pilot. In practice, it means

Pilot IdPs and SPs

Following IdPS have shown interest in the pilot

Following SPs have shown interest in the pilot