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Topic: R&S 2.0 WG call
Time: Mar 29, 2021 06:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada), 13:00 UTC

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Working Draft


  1. Recap of consensus so far
    1. The FAQ will be revised to offer clarity on the term "affiliation" (seeĀ Research and Scholarship FAQ) and editorial changes made to the spec to make it more clear (see new draft spec for updated structure)
    2. eduPersonScopedAffiliation will become a required value
    3. R&S will require privacy statements
    4. Encouraging the use of eduPersonAssurance requires further discussion with the Assurance Working group
    5. subject-id should be listed as the new identifier
    6. R&S 1.3 and R&S 2.0 can co-exist; no migration detail will be included in the spec itself.
    7. ePPN and targeted ID to both be removed from R&S 2.0
    8. Information on OIDC requirements will be moved to R&S 2.1 (after the OIDF OIDCre working group has formal documentation in this space)
  2. eduPersonAssurance and RAF, continued

  3. Home Organization use case (Andrew Morgan and Christos Kanellopoulos )

    1. This item may be moved to the next call
  4. Proposal to require DisplayName (Petersen )
    1. This item may be moved to the next call


  1. Recap of consensus so far
    1. The FAQ will be revised to offer clarity on the term "affiliation" (seeĀ Research and Scholarship FAQ) and editorial changes made to the spec to make it more clear (see new draft spec for updated structure)
    2. eduPersonScopedAffiliation will become a required value
    3. R&S will require privacy statements
    4. Encouraging the use of eduPersonAssurance requires further discussion with the Assurance Working group
    5. subject-id should be listed as the new identifier
    6. R&S 1.3 and R&S 2.0 can co-exist; no migration detail will be included in the spec itself.
    7. ePPN and targeted ID to both be removed from R&S 2.0
    8. Information on OIDC requirements will be moved to R&S 2.1 (after the OIDF OIDCre working group has formal documentation in this space)
  2. eduPersonAssurance and RAF, continued

  3. Home Organization use case (Andrew Morgan and Christos Kanellopoulos )

    1. This item may be moved to the next call
  4. Proposal to require DisplayName (Petersen )
    1. This item may be moved to the next call