Consultations on Outputs from REFEDS Working Groups
As noted in section 10 of the REFEDS Participation Agreement, REFEDS Working Groups produce prospective REFEDS specifications, standards, best practices, and related documents and provide them to the REFEDS community for review. This is called a Consultation, which typically spans a four to six week period. Feedback gathered through Consultation is considered by the referring Working Group to take into account either to produce a final draft form of the document that then is submitted to the REFEDS Steering Committee for final adoption, or to "go back to the drawing board" and consider whether a substantially different proposal should go forward. The purpose of consultations is to ensure that broad consensus is achieved within the community. Consistent consultation and consensus gathering means that adoption is significantly more likely.
Consultations on Outputs from Other Entities
From time-to-time, REFEDS is asked to become the custodian of outputs from other organisations. Typically these outputs will go through a REFEDS consultation before being accepted (unless there are good reasons not to complete such a process). Requests such as these will first be considered by the REFEDS Steering Committee and will take into account the following points:
the proposal must support the objectives / purpose of REFEDS.
the proposal must have a clear benefit for REFEDS Participants and the REFEDS Community.
the proposal must receive support from REFEDS Participants by being socialised to REFEDS lists before consultation.
the proposal must follow the formal REFEDS consultation process and accept changes / outcomes proposed by REFEDS.
- there must be available support from the REFEDS Secretariat / community to complete the necessary transition.
Current consultations:
Previous consultations:
- Change Request: Managing Metadata Extensions
- Code of Conduct Consultation
- Consultation: Academic Institution Entity Category
- Consultation: Baseline Expectations
- Consultation: eduGAIN Security Incident Response Handbook
- Consultation: eduPersonAnalyticsID
- Consultation: eduPersonDisplayPronoun
- Consultation: Error Handling
- Consultation: Managing Metadata Extensions
- Consultation: MFA Profile v1.1
- Consultation: MFA Profile v1.2
- Consultation: MRPS Template v2
- Consultation: REFEDS Assurance Framework
- Consultation: REFEDS Assurance Framework (RAF) v2.0
- Consultation: REFEDS Assurance Framework round 2
- Consultation: REFEDS MFA Profile
- Consultation: REFEDS SFA Profile
- Consultation: SAML2 and OIDC Mappings
- Consultation: SCHAC 1.6.0
- Consultation: Sirtfi v2
- Consultation: Template
- Consultation - Federation 2.0 Report
- Consultation - REFEDS Strategy
- Entity Category Consultation: Academia
- Entity Category Consultation: Anonymous Access
- Entity Category Consultation: Hide From Discovery
- Entity Category Consultation: Personalized Access
- Entity Category Consultation: Pseudonymous Access
- Entity Category Consultation: Research and Scholarship
- Entity Category Consultation: Research and Scholarship 2
- Entity Category Consultation Anonymous Authorization
- Entity Category Consultation Authentication Only
- Entity Category Consultation - Personalized Entity Category
- Entity Category Consultation Pseudonymous Authorization
- Errata and Questions
- Metadata Registration Practice Statement Consultation
- SAML Entity Metadata Attribute Types
- SIRTFI Consultation: Framework
- Sirtfi Consultation: Sirtfi Identity Assurance Certification Description
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