Problem Space

The idea of categorisation tags for Identity Providers has been discussed by REFEDS for a number of years.  A demonstrable implementation of this categorisation approach is the Hide from Discovery tag.  The ability to tag and group IdPs to support different identification requirements lead to the development of a proposed "academia" category and a list of other possibly useful tags (public library, K12, above K12, self sign-up and health). Work on these areas was not pursued at the time due to a lack of maturity for support of the tagging and concerns over the use and understanding of the tags when implemented. 

Use cases are outlined on the academia page and on the original consultation

With the growth of the InAcademia service and other uses from eInfrastructure groups, the growth of Identity Provider types within federations beyond the typical expectations of R&E federations, concerns around assumptions being made about IdP types in federations and ongoing discussions around federation catalogues, it is timely to revisit the proposals made for supporting IdP categorisation via entity categories.

In defining an academia tag, it is acknowledged that we will not be able to reach a 100% accurate definition but something that is good enough for the use cases identified - this may mean accepting some scenarios for example where individuals with temporary roles are included in the overarching identification of the organisation.  

It is proposed that this work should be carried out as part of the Entity Category Development Working Group.


The goals of this new work item for the Entity Category Development Working Group are:

  1.  To revisit the proposed Academia entity category and agree a path forward for defining such an entity category.
  2. Review proposals for other IdPs tags and requirements for tagging - currently listed as public library, K12, above K12, self sign-up and health.
  3. Review possible use cases for SP tagging.
  4. Review the use of entity categories for supporting category tagging requirements.  

Next Steps

This work item proposal will be circulated to the REFEDS list and an appropriate call schedule set up for work development. 

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