Versions Compared


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Comment: Added links to Sirtfi v1 and v2 specs for reference

This page aims to guide Federation Operators in supporting the adoption of the Sirtfi Framework

Table of Contents

Coordinating Adoption

During the process of Sirtfi adoption, federation operators should anticipate providing support to entities. An FAQ maintained by the Sirtfi working group is available to help you.

The Sirtfi Framework does not itself entitle federation operators to limit which of their entities may self-attest to Sirtfi compliance, although Sirtfi also does not place any constraint on policies that each federation chooses to adopt.

Please reach out to your REFEDS contacts should you, as a federation operator, require assistance. If you have no active members within REFEDS, contact us via and ask for the Sirtfi Working Group.   

Sirtfi Contact Choice

Your federation may wish to provide specific guidance on the choice of Sirtfi Contact. For more information, visit Choosing a Sirtfi Contact.

Should your federation already provide centralised federated security incident response, you may choose to leverage this existing capability.  

Metadata Extensions

How should your federation participants add the two required extensions to their metadata? The Guide for Federation Participants describes the two extensions in further detail.

Be sure to communicate how an entity should assert their compliance and add their Sirtfi contact. Usually, federations choose to manage such metadata extensions centrally and act as the registrar. They would simply request the Sirtfi contact details from an entity via email.

Sirtfi and Sirtfi v2

Both original Sirtfi (v1) and Sirtfi v2 will remain supported for the indefinite future. There is no plan to deprecate v1 with the introduction of v2. See Coexistence of Sirtfi v1 and v2 for details. Best practice is to encourage adoption of Sirtfi v2 by your members but to support those members who wish to remain at v1. For reference: Sirtfi v1 specification and Sirtfi v2 specification

Sample Outreach Letter for Federation Participants

Sample outreach letters have been provided below to assist with communication to your federation. Many thanks to Incommon and REN-ISAAC for their input.

titleSample Outreach Letter 1

Dear Federation Members,

<THIS FEDERATION>, alongside international partners, strongly urge federation participants to be ready to manage federation-related security incidents. Here’s how.

Sirtfi [1] is an international framework for federated security incident response. It specifies a means to publish your readiness for incident response in federation metadata. This framework asks that each federation entity, ie, Identity and Service Providers, contain security contact information in its federation metadata; that normal security incident response procedures associated with it reasonably address the statements in the Sirtfi specification; and if so, that a Sirtfi tag is attached to the entity.

<THIS FEDERATION> recently made self-management of the security contact and Sirtfi flag available. Participant Site Administrators can now manage Sirtfi status for all systems that are part of the Federation. Please ask them to ensure that your security contact information is correctly expressed in federation metadata and to set the Sirtfi flag if you believe that your security incident response procedures reasonably meet the statements in the Sirtfi specification.

Academic collaborations, cloud services, and other uses depend on sensitive resources, such as unique instruments, software, high performance data processing environments, and corpi of data, being accessible through global federation. Most <THIS FEDERATION> participants are home to faculty, students, and staff that need to use these services to be successful in their endeavours. Please help them to succeed by being prepared to manage a federated security incident that could otherwise threaten valuable resources.


titleSample Outreach Letter 2

We invite you to join the Security Incident Response Trust Framework for Federated Identity, Sirtfi.

To improve security within <THIS FEDERATION>, and across eduGAIN, a trust framework has been defined that addresses concerns over operational security and incident response. By becoming Sirtfi compliant, your organisation will raise its level of assurance; Sirtfi creates an improved level of trust between federation participants resulting in increased collaboration between federated entities.

To find out more about Sirtfi, visit the homepage at

To become Sirtfi compliant, refer to the Sirtfi Technical Wiki at

We recommend choosing <guidance on Sirtfi contact choice> as your Sirtfi contact.

Two metadata extensions are required to become Sirtfi compliant, <we will manage these changes centrally||these should be added to your organisation’s metadata directly>



Entity Attributes Filtering

The assertion of Sirtfi compliance for a Relying Party is expressed in metadata with the use of an Entity Attribute [1] as described in the OASIS documentation for asserting compliance with assurance profiles [2]. The validation strategy for local federation entity metadata might need to be reconsidered in order to allow local Entities to assert Sirtfi compliance. Additionally, if a federation has a filtering procedure in place while republishing eduGAIN metadata, federator operators need to ensure that their filtering strategy is adapted in order to facilitate the use of Sirtfi.

Two additions are necessary in the metadata of an entity asserting Sirtfi compliance so federation operators should focus on whitelisting/allowing the following :

Assurance-certification Entity Attribute

Sirtfi compliance is expressed with the use of  the of  the Entity Attribute “urn“urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:attribute:assurance-certification” holding the value values of  and (if SirtfiV2 is met) in an entity’s metadata as seen below:

Code Block
titleSirtfi entity attribute
<md:EntityDescriptor xmlns:md="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:metadata"<EntityDescriptor ...>
            <saml:Attribute <mdattr:EntityAttributes xmlns:mdattr="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:metadata:attribute">
      <saml:Attribute xmlns:saml="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion"
             <   </saml:Attribute>

Security Contact

A security contact element is added in every Entity that asserts Sirtfi compliance as seen below:

REFEDS security contact

Code Block
titleREFEDS security contact
<md:ContactPerson<ContactPerson xmlns:remd=""
   <GivenName>Security   <md:GivenName>Security Response Team</md:GivenName>
   <EmailAddress>mailto  <md:EmailAddress>mailto:security@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx</md:EmailAddress>

Multiple EmailAddress tags may be defined , should an organisation wish to add both a generic email address and an individual.

This contactType has been defined within the REFEDS XSD XSD Metadata Extension Schema.



Metadata aggregates for Sirfti compliant entities

When republishing eduGAIN metadata for your local federation, it might be useful to provide filtered aggregates of the eduGAIN metadata to your participants, containing only the Relying Parties that have asserted compliance to Sirtfi. The following section provides detailed instructions on how this can be done with the use of pyFF Federation Feeder or Shibboleth Metadata Aggregator

pyFF Federation Feeder

The following example pyFF pipeline, loads the eduGAIN metadata from and after filtering out all Entities from the local federation and all Entities that do not assert Sirtfi compliance moves on to create three new metadata aggregates :

  • One that contains only the Identity Providers

  • One that contains only the Service Providers

  • One that contains both Identity and Service Providers

Code Block
### Load eduGAIN Metadata ###
- load:
  # Load from the eduGAIN Metadata URL
  - as edugain-md certs/eduGAIN-signer-ca.pem
### Replace the value of '###YOUR-REG-AUTH###' with your registrationAuthority to exclude the entities of your federation. ###
- select:
  - "edugain-md!//md:EntityDescriptor[md:Extensions/mdrpi:RegistrationInfo/@registrationAuthority and not(md:Extensions/mdrpi:RegistrationInfo/@registrationAuthority='###YOUR-REG-AUTH###')]"
### Select only the Entities that assert Sirtfi Compliance
- select:
  - "edugain-md!//md:EntityDescriptor[md:Extensions/mdattr:EntityAttributes/saml:Attribute/@Name='urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:attribute:assurance-certification' and md:Extensions/mdattr:EntityAttributes/saml:Attribute/saml:AttributeValue='']"

### Fork to produce the Interfederation Identity Providers Metadata ### Replace the value of '###YOUR-ENTITIESDESCRIPTOR-NAME-FOR-INTERFEDERATION###' and '###YOUR-ENTITIESDESCRIPTOR-ID-FOR-INTERFEDERATION###' with the values of XML attributes "Name" and "ID" choosed for your interfederation metadata stream ###
- fork:
  - select:
     - "edugain-md!//md:EntityDescriptor[md:IDPSSODescriptor]"
  - xslt:
     stylesheet: tidy.xsl
  - finalize:
     cacheDuration: PT5H
     validUntil: P5D
  - sign:
     key: certs/sign.key
     cert: certs/sign.crt
  - publish:
     - output/my-interfederation-idp-metadata.xml
### Fork to produce the Interfederation Service Providers Metadata ###
### Replace the value of '###YOUR-ENTITIESDESCRIPTOR-NAME-FOR-INTERFEDERATION###' and '###YOUR-ENTITIESDESCRIPTOR-ID-FOR-INTERFEDERATION###' with the values of XML attributes "Name" and "ID" choosed for your interfederation metadata stream ###
- fork:
  - select:
     - "edugain-md!//md:EntityDescriptor[md:SPSSODescriptor]"
  - xslt:
     stylesheet: tidy.xsl
  - finalize:
     cacheDuration: PT5H
     validUntil: P5D
  - sign:
     key: certs/sign.key
     cert: certs/sign.crt
  - publish:
     - output/my-interfederation-sp-metadata.xml
### Produce the Interfederation Metadata ###
### Replace the value of '###YOUR-ENTITIESDESCRIPTOR-NAME-FOR-INTERFEDERATION###' and '###YOUR-ENTITIESDESCRIPTOR-ID-FOR-INTERFEDERATION###' with the values of XML attributes "Name" and "ID" choosed for your interfederation metadata stream ###
- xslt:
  stylesheet: tidy.xsl
- finalize:
  cacheDuration: PT5H
  validUntil: P5D
- sign:
  key: certs/sign.key
  cert: certs/sign.crt
- publish:
  - output/my-interfederation-metadata.xml

Shibboleth Metadata Aggregator

This tool is under development. Please check their homepage for the latest updates at

Coordinating Adoption

During the process of Sirtfi adoption, federation operators should anticipate providing support to entities.

Two sets of Frequently Asked Questions are provided as a first resort

Please reach out to your REFEDS contacts should you, as a federation operator, require assistance. If you have no active members within REFEDS, contact us via and ask for the Sirtfi Working Group.  

Sirtfi Contact Choice

Your federation may wish to provide specific guidance on the choice of Sirtfi Contact. For more information, visit the Guide to choosing a Sirtfi Contact.

Should your federation already provide centralised federated security incident response, you may choose to leverage this existing capability.  

Metadata Extensions

How should your federation participants add the two required extensions to their metadata? The Guide for Federation Participants describes the two extensions in further detail. 

Be sure to communicate how an entity should assert their compliance and add their Sirtfi contact. Usually, federations choose to manage such metadata extensions centrally and would simply request the Sirtfi contact details from an entity via email.

Sample Outreach Letter for Federation Participants

A sample email template has been provided below to assist with outreach within your federation.


titleSample Outreach Letter

Dear Federation Members,

We invite you to join the Security Incident Response Trust Framework for Federated Identity, Sirtfi.

To improve security within <THIS FEDERATION>, and across eduGAIN, a trust framework has been defined that addresses concerns over operational security and incident response. By becoming Sirtfi compliant, your organisation will raise its level of assurance; Sirtfi creates an improved level of trust between federation participants resulting in increased collaboration between federated entities.

To find out more about Sirtfi, visit the homepage at

To become Sirtfi compliant, refer to the Sirtfi Technical Wiki at

We recommend choosing <guidance on Sirfti contact choice> as your Sirtfi contact.

Two metadata extensions are required to become Sirtfi compliant, <we will manage these changes centrally||these should be added to your organisation’s metadata directly>

