- The Value Proposition for Identity Federations – DRAFT
- WAYF.dk: Blue screen video presentations at http://www.wayf.dk (EN version), go to 'Media', choose 'Video archive'
- WAYF.dk: A blog at http://blog.wayf.dk
- WAYF.dk: News from the federation at http://www.wayf.dk (EN version), go to 'News'
- Guide for Identity Providers: http://www.jisc.ac.uk/media/documents/publications/bpfaminstitutionsv3.pdf
- Guide for Academic Libraries: http://www.jisc.ac.uk/publications/publications/pub_accessmanagementbps/accessmanagementlibrarians.aspx
- Guide for Service Providers: http://www.jisc.ac.uk/media/documents/publications/bpfampublishersv3.pdf
- Guide to the UK federation: http://www.ukfederation.org.uk/library/uploads/Documents/overview.pdf
- Federated Access Management - the animation! http://www.jisc.ac.uk/whatwedo/themes/accessmanagement/federation/animation.aspx
- FEIDE promotional material http://www.feide.no/introducing-feide
- Useful documents to integrate new SPs into FEIDE:
- Integration guide for service providers - introducing Feide - SAML2.0 - requirements: http://www.feide.no/sites/feide.no/files/documents/Feide_integration_guide.pdf
- A more technical companion to the integration guide (also for SPs): http://www.feide.no/sites/feide.no/files/documents/Feide_technical_guide.pdf
Other languages
- In Spanish: a page describing the benefits of identity federations, together with the advantages of a multi-protocol hub like SIR: http://www.rediris.es/sir/beneficios.html
- In Dutch: A pdf document describing SURFfederatie and the benefits from the viewpoint of IDPs, SPs, and users. Contains some use cases/best practices from connected IDPs/SPs: http://www.surfnet.nl/Documents/SNA4fedWeb.pdf
- In Croatian: flyers - for users, SPs and IdPs
- In French: How does a federation work?
- In French: FAQ about the federation's infrastructure/technologies/interest/...