Entity ID | RA | Provider | Type |
https://shibboleth.bbaw.de/shibboleth | DFN | Berlin-Brandenburgische | Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities Portal |
https://bestr.it/shibboleth | IDEM | Bestr | Open Badges Platform |
https://login.ceitec.cz/proxy/ | eduid.cz | CEITEC | Central European Institute of Technology Portal |
https://is.proteomics.ceitec.cz/shibboleth | eduid.cz | CEITEC | Central European Institute of Technology Portal |
https://cern.ch/login | SWITCHaai | CERN | CERN |
https://cern.ch/login | SWITCHaai | CERN | CERN |
https://meta.cesnet.cz/sp/shibboleth | eduid.cz | CESNET | CESNET Virtual Organisation |
https://dev.clarin.nl/shibboleth | DFN | CLARIN | CLARIN |
https://openskos.meertens.knaw.nl/shibboleth | DFN | CLARIN | CLARIN |
https://secure.huygens.knaw.nl | DFN | CLARIN | CLARIN |
https://sp.catalog.clarin.eu | DFN | CLARIN | CLARIN |
https://sp.corpus1.mpi.nl | DFN | CLARIN | CLARIN |
https://www.meertens.knaw.nl/Shibboleth.sso/Metadata | DFN | CLARIN | CLARIN |
https://www.nederlab.nl/shibboleth | DFN | CLARIN | CLARIN |
https://dspace-clarin-it.ilc.cnr.it/Shibboleth.sso/Metadata | DFN | CLARIN | CLARIN |
https://sp.clarin.vdu.lt | DFN | CLARIN | CLARIN |
https://sp.lux17.mpi.nl | DFN | CLARIN | CLARIN |
https://ufal-point.mff.cuni.cz/shibboleth/eduid/sp | DFN | CLARIN | CLARIN |
https://sp.clarin.si/ | DFN | CLARIN | CLARIN |
https://clarin.phonetik.uni-muenchen.de | DFN | CLARIN | CLARIN |
https://repo.clarino.uib.no/shibboleth/sp | DFN | CLARIN | CLARIN |
http://sp.vs1.corpora.uni-hamburg.de | DFN | CLARIN | CLARIN |
https://infra.clarin.dk/shibboleth | DFN | CLARIN | CLARIN |
http://www.clarin-pl.eu/shibboleth | DFN | CLARIN | CLARIN |
https://lbr.csc.fi/shibboleth | DFN | CLARIN | CLARIN |
https://portal.clarin.inl.nl/ | DFN | CLARIN | CLARIN |
https://webanno.sfs.uni-tuebingen.de | DFN | CLARIN | CLARIN |
https://weblicht.sfs.uni-tuebingen.de | DFN | CLARIN | CLARIN |
https://ekrksso.keeleressursid.ee/simplesaml/module.php/saml/sp/metadata.php/ekrk-sp | DFN | CLARIN | CLARIN |
https://clarin.ids-mannheim.de/shibboleth | DFN | CLARIN | CLARIN |
https://repos.ids-mannheim.de/shibboleth | DFN | CLARIN | CLARIN |
https://clarino.uib.no/ | Feide | CLARIN | CLARIN |
https://lap.clarino.uio.no/simplesaml/module.php/saml/sp/metadata.php/default-sp | Feide | CLARIN | CLARIN |
https://clarin.oeaw.ac.at/shibboleth | Aconet | CLARIN | CLARIN |
https://dibbs17.org/shibboleth | Internet2 | Cornell | Conference management tool |
https://sp.korp.csc.fi/ | HAKA | CSC | Language Lab tools |
http://sp.lat.csc.fi | HAKA | CSC | Language Lab tools |
https://sp.www.kielipankki.fi | HAKA | CSC | Language Lab tools |
https://cta-sg.oact.inaf.it/shibboleth | IDEM | CTA | National Institute of Astrophysics portal |
https://auth.dariah.eu/shibboleth | DFN | DARIAH | DARIAH |
https://colreg.de.dariah.eu/colreg | DFN | DARIAH | DARIAH |
https://de.dariah.eu/shibboleth | DFN | DARIAH | DARIAH |
https://dev2.dariah.eu/shibboleth | DFN | DARIAH | DARIAH |
https://etherpad.de.dariah.eu/shibboleth | DFN | DARIAH | DARIAH |
https://liferay.de.dariah.eu/shibboleth | DFN | DARIAH | DARIAH |
https://rir.dariah.eu/shibboleth | DFN | DARIAH | DARIAH |
https://search.de.dariah.eu/schereg | DFN | DARIAH | DARIAH |
https://search.de.dariah.eu/search | DFN | DARIAH | DARIAH |
https://data.deic.dk | WAYF | DEIC | Cloud Storage for Scientists |
https://sciencedata.dk | WAYF | DEIC | Cloud Storage for Scientists |
https://devsso.educause.edu/sp | Internet2 | EDUCAUSE | Educause services |
https://sso.educause.edu/sp | Internet2 | EDUCAUSE | Educause services |
https://learn.eduopen.org/shibboleth | IDEM | eduOpen | eduOpen Portal |
https://aai.egi.eu/proxy/module.php/saml/sp/metadata.php/sso | Internet2 | EGI | EGI proxy |
https://login.elixir-czech.org/proxy/ | eduid.cz | ELIXIR | ELIXIR proxy |
https://webtut.fccn.pt | FCCN | FCT|FCCN | not responsive |
https://b2access.eudat.eu:8443/unitygw/saml-sp-metadata | DFN | Forschungszentrum | B2access service |
https://wiki.idem.garrservices.it/shibboleth | IDEM | GARR | Wiki |
https://wiki.edugain.org/shibboleth | SWAMID | GÉANT | eduGAIN tools |
https://terena.org/sp | Surfconext | GÉANT | GÉANT proxy |
https://sp.textgridlab.org/shibboleth | DFN | Gesellschaft | Tools for humanities scholars |
https://rns-ng.release-check.edugain.org/shibboleth | Grnet | Grnet | eduGAIN tools |
https://rns.release-check.edugain.org/shibboleth | Grnet | Grnet | eduGAIN tools |
https://grouper.idem.garr.it/shibboleth | IDEM | Grouper | Grouper software |
https://guru-dcu-test-01.gurudevelopments.com | edugate | Guru | Exam tools |
https://central-test-02.gurudevelopments.com | edugate | Guru | Exam tools |
https://ait.gurudevelopments.com | edugate | Guru | Exam tools |
https://sligo.gurudevelopments.com | edugate | Guru | Exam tools |
https://lit.gurudevelopments.com | edugate | Guru | Exam tools |
https://guru.dcu.ie | edugate | Guru | Exam tools |
https://central-test-01.gurudevelopments.com | edugate | Guru | Exam tools |
https://beta.dataverse.org/sp | Internet2 | Harvard | Open source research data repository software |
https://dataverse.harvard.edu/sp | Internet2 | Harvard | Open source research data repository software |
https://demo.dataverse.org/sp | Internet2 | Harvard | Open source research data repository software |
https://indico.uu.se/shibboleth | SWAMID | Indico | Conference management tool |
https://indico.kfki.hu/shibboleth | eduid.hu | Indico | Conference management tool |
https://iam-test.indigo-datacloud.eu | IDEM | INDIGO-Datacloud | Conference management tool |
https://filesender.internet2.edu/shibboleth | Internet2 | Internet2 | Filesender |
https://login.collaboration.internet2.edu/Saml2/proxy_saml2_backend.xml | Internet2 | Internet2 | Internet collaboration tools |
https://spaces.internet2.edu/shibboleth | Internet2 | Internet2 | Internet collaboration tools |
https://services.internet2.edu/shibboleth | Internet2 | Internet2 | not responsive |
https://community.ja.net/shibboleth | UK federation | Jisc | Jisc collaboration platform |
https://commons.lbl.gov/sp/shibboleth | Internet2 | Lawrence | Berkeley Lab research tools |
https://identity.lbl.gov/prod/identitylinking | Internet2 | Lawrence | Berkeley Lab research tools |
https://identity.lbl.gov/prod/tokenmanagement | Internet2 | Lawrence | Berkeley Lab research tools |
https://lists.lbl.gov/shibboleth | Internet2 | Lawrence | Berkeley Lab research tools |
https://gracedb.ligo.org/shibboleth-sp | Internet2 | LIGO | LIGO |
https://versions-test.ligo.org/shibboleth-sp | Internet2 | LIGO | LIGO |
https://wiki.ligo.org/shibboleth-sp | Internet2 | LIGO | LIGO |
https://ligo.org/ligovirgo/cbcnote/shibboleth-sp | Internet2 | LIGO | LIGO |
https://gracedb-test.ligo.org/shibboleth-sp | Internet2 | LIGO | LIGO |
https://idm.ics.muni.cz/shibboleth | eduid.cz | Masarykova | Library and Computer services portal |
https://adfs-mali.icer.niaid.nih.gov/adfs/services/trust | Internet2 | National | NIH portal |
https://federation-dev-2.icer.niaid.nih.gov/SimpleSAMLphp | Internet2 | National | NIH portal |
https://federation.icer.niaid.nih.gov/adfs/services/trust | Internet2 | National | NIH portal |
https://registry-dev.icer.niaid.nih.gov/shibboleth | Internet2 | National | NIH portal |
https://registry.icer.niaid.nih.gov/shibboleth | Internet2 | National | NIH portal |
https://adfs-global.icer.niaid.nih.gov/adfs/services/trust | Internet2 | National | NIH portal |
https://federation.icer.niaid.nih.gov/satosa | Internet2 | National | NIH portal |
https://cilogon.org/shibboleth | Internet2 | National | Certificate service portal |
https://dev.niif.hu/shibboleth | eduid.hu | NIIF | NIIF portal |
https://hexaa.eduid.hu/shibboleth | eduid.hu | NIIF | NIIF portal |
https://randevu.lab.vvc.niif.hu/shibboleth | eduid.hu | NIIF | Videoconference portal |
https://brain.lab.vvc.niif.hu/simplesamlphp/module.php/saml/sp/metadata.php/default-sp | eduid.hu | NIIF | GÉANT TURN pilot service |
https://proxy.c4e.niif.hu/shibboleth | eduid.hu | NIIF | Cloud for education |
https://niif.videotorium.hu/shibboleth | eduid.hu | NIIF | Video portal |
https://bme.videotorium.hu/shibboleth | eduid.hu | NIIF | Video portal |
https://duf.videotorium.hu/shibboleth | eduid.hu | NIIF | Video portal |
https://sztaki.videotorium.hu/shibboleth | eduid.hu | NIIF | Video portal |
https://sze-gyor.videotorium.hu/shibboleth | eduid.hu | NIIF | Video portal |
https://wigner.videotorium.hu/shibboleth | eduid.hu | NIIF | Video portal |
https://videotorium.hu/shibboleth | eduid.hu | NIIF | Video portal |
https://turn.geant.org/shibboleth | eduid.hu | NIIF | GÉANT TURN pilot service |
https://wayf.rcauth.eu/wayf/ | Surfconext | Nikhef | Nikhef services |
https://wayf.nikhef.nl/wayf/sp | Surfconext | Nikhef | Nikhef servies |
https://carmenwiki.osu.edu/shibboleth | Internet2 | Ohio | Wiki |
https://www.opensciencedatacloud.org/shibboleth | Internet2 | Open | Open Science Cloud |
https://aai.openminted.eu/proxy/module.php/saml/sp/metadata.php/sso | Internet2 | Open Minted | Text and Data Mining Tool |
https://accounts.osf.io/shibboleth | Internet2 | Open Science Framework | Open Science Framework Portal |
https://orcid.org/saml2/sp/1 | Surfconext | ORCID | ORCID |
https://qa.orcid.org/saml2/sp/1 | Surfconext | ORCID | ORCID |
https://vc.uni-bamberg.de/shibboleth | DFN | Otto-Friedrich-Universität | Virtual Campus tool (moodle) |
https://wikispaces.psu.edu/shibboleth | Internet2 | Penn | Wiki |
https://www.rcac.purdue.edu/services/hubzero/smarteragriculture | Internet2 | Purdue | dynamic web sites for scientific research and educational activities |
https://courses.sci-gaia.eu/shibboleth | IDEM | Sci-GaIA | Science gateway |
https://oar.sci-gaia.eu/shibboleth | IDEM | Sci-GaIA | Science gateway |
https://discourse.sci-gaia.eu/shibboleth | IDEM | Sci-GaIA | Science gateway |
https://sso.siropglobal.org/shibboleth | SWITCHaai | SiROP | web portal for researcher posts |
https://sso.ia2.inaf.it/shibboleth | IDEM | SSO | Italian Center for Astronomical Archives |
https://forge.switch.ch/shibboleth | SWITCHaai | SWITCH | software development platform |
https://hpc-wayf.sdu.dk/module.php/saml/sp/metadata.php/default-sp | WAYF | Syddansk | Master's programme portal |
https://beta.opendmc.org/shibboleth | Internet2 | UI | Digital Manufacturing Commons Portal |
https://foodl.org/simplesaml/module.php/saml/sp/metadata.php/saml | http://feide.no/ | UNINETT | Meeting management tool |
https://auth.dataporten.no/simplesaml/module.php/saml/sp/metadata.php/default-sp | http://feide.no/ | UNINETT | VO tool |
https://shib-sp.unity.ac/shibboleth | UK federation | Unity | research platform |
https://dash.cdlib.org/shibboleth | Internet2 | University | Californian Digital Library |
https://dash-dev.cdlib.org/shibboleth | Internet2 | University | Californian Digital Library |
https://dmp.cdlib.org | Internet2 | University | Californian Digital Library |
https://dmp-dev.cdlib.org | Internet2 | University | Californian Digital Library |
https://dmp-stage.cdlib.org | Internet2 | University | Californian Digital Library |
https://redcap.uncg.edu/shibboleth | Internet2 | University | Data collection and management for multi-site research studies |
https://gw-astronomy.org/lists/shibboleth-sp | Internet2 | University | CoManage Registry |
https://gw-astronomy.org/shibboleth-sp | Internet2 | University | CoManage Registry |
https://gw-astronomy.org/wiki/shibboleth-sp | Internet2 | University | CoManage Registry |
https://sp.unmc.edu/shibboleth | Internet2 | University | University of Nebraska Medical School portal |
https://comanage.osris.org/shibboleth | Internet2 | University | CoManage Registry |
https://wiki.osris.org | Internet2 | University | wiki |
https://fae.illinois.edu/shibboleth | Internet2 | University | aerospace engineering portal |
https://dash-stg.cdlib.org/shibboleth | Internet2 | University | data publication service |
https://tekstlab.uio.no/glossa2/saml/metadata | Feide | University | Linguistics studies portal |
https://manage.hpc.virginia.edu/registry | Internet2 | University | not responsive |
https://sp.snd.gu.se/module.php/saml/sp/metadata.php/default-sp | SWAMID | University of Gothenburg | Swedish National Data Service |
https://rrzfilrshib.uni-regensburg.de/shibboleth | DFN | Universität | Uppsala University Staff Portal |
https://mp.uu.se/Shibboleth.sso | SWAMID | Uppsala | Uppsala University Staff Portal |
https://secure.urkund.com/shibboleth | SWAMID | Urkund | Plagiarism Tool |
https://vetucation.vu-wien.ac.at/shibboleth | Aconet | Veterinärmedizinische | e-learning portal |
https://aai.vi-seem.eu/proxy/module.php/saml/sp/metadata.php/sso | Internet2 | VI-SEEM | Virtual Research Environment |