Formalise SeamlessAccess trustinfo metadata as a REFEDS specification
Trustinfo metadata has been developed by the SeamlessAccess team. A working document exists and code is in development (perhaps even deployed) in SeamlessAccess. This work item is to take the specification through the REFEDS standardization process, which should facilitate uptake by federation operators.
A group mailing list can be found at: https://lists.refeds.org/sympa/info/trustinfo.
The following terms apply to all REFEDS Working Groups:
- When a working group is agreed, REFEDS Participants will be asked if they wish to participate. Working Groups tend to be small, so consensus can be achieved quickly between participants.
- A chair for the group is chosen from the REFEDS Participants.
- GÉANT provides facilities for the working group, including meeting support, wiki space, mailing lists and, where appropriate, funding.
- An appropriate output from the group is produced. Currently, this is typically a draft white paper or a wiki page.
- When the Working Group is in agreement, the chair shares the outputs with the wider REFEDS community with an open period for discussion and comment. This is typically a period of 4 weeks, but may be longer if appropriate.
- After this period of time, the REFEDS Steering Committee signs off on the work item. Work is either written up as a formal white paper, left on the wiki but promoted as finished work or occasionally submitted as an Internet Draft.
Alex Stuart (JISC)
Work Items
Outline expected outputs here.
All calls should be noted on the wiki and minuted appropriately.
- Kick off meeting, 2024-03-28 4pm CET. Meeting notes: 2024-03-28 Kick-off meeting
- WG meeting, Thursday 11 April 4pm CEST, 7am PDT https://sunet.zoom.us/j/9735974774?omn=66709651894
- WG meetings every Thursday at 4pm CEST, 7am PDT
Working Group Slack: edugain.slack.com #refeds-trustinfo
Mailing List: https://lists.refeds.org/sympa/info/trustinfo
Draft trustinfo specification from SeamlessAccess (google doc)
Draft Entity Selection Protocol specification from this REFEDS WG (google doc)
Mohácsi János
What is the problem the SeamlessAccess Trustinfo want to solve? Where is it descibed?
Alex Stuart
Hello János, sorry for the delay. We described the reason we set up the working group at https://refeds.org/a/2975. Here's an excerpt: