REFEDS Steering Committee Notes, 12th December 2014


Thomas, Andrew, Miro, Ken, Valter, Jean-Francois, Nicole, Licia

Proposed Agenda Items

  1. Work plan for approval 

REF-0 Coordination and Promototion
This includes the whole management of REFEDS, including website, blog, wiki, mailing list and meetings.
REF- 1 -

Global services: incident response, helpdesk and central monitoring tools

  •  incident handling - first step looking at the procedures federations have in place to handle incidents 
  •  fedLab
  •  MET - temporary offline due to a security incident. We have had volunteers to improve the performance of loading the metadata. 
  •  REEP - enhancements and promotion
REF-2 - Different work in crowd sourcing the work plan.
  • VO assessment is a assessments on the VO requirements
  • Focus on VO - how we interact with the VO and how do we feed that back to the fed operators
  • Attribute authorities and group membership/role information - how the various pieces can fit together. This needs scoping more; maybe we should proposed a WG. Ken noted that it would be interesting to look at the semantic of attributes used by different VOs. Ken also noted that there should be links between the end-entities tagging and the entity categories.
Status - Approved 

REF-3 Federation Operator Best Practices
  •  eduGAIN Recommended Practices
  • Focus on R&S adoption
  • Contacts in MetadataFederated Error Handling


  • Valter - missing tools to simplify the usage of Ent cat for the IdPs. 
  • Ken - should we specify the process that federation follow to assign the tags? 
  • Thomas - statement of the risks involved in using Ent Cat for federations 
Status - approved with comments 
REF-4 Standardisation and Harmonisation
  • Federation at scale - this is mostly Ian’s work for which he asked for feedback.
  • Fresh Approaches to IdP Discovery - needs a bit more scoping, maybe a working group?

Miro - do we need a service catalog ? Should this be harmonised among federations? The aim of this work would be for user to know if a service is avialable to them via their federations and therefore they can safely use their credentilals to log into that. Thomas noted that is mostly an SP issue; MET could be useful here. Note: make MET also a end-user tool. 

Status -  Approved 

REF - 5 New Working Groups
  • Privacy and interfederations
  • Best practices for Hub-and-Spoke federation
  • OpenID Connet
Ken - change privacy with consent management 
Action: push some info about the engagment with ORCID via Gn3plus to REFEDS

 2. Sponsorship documents for approval

The sponsorship document was approved.

Thomas noted that we should encourage bigger federations to consider to step up one level compared to smaller ones.

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