These are commonly approved good practices for Home Organisations based on the data protection directive.

A proper attribute release module installed to the Identity Provider server may help a Home Organisation to implement this good practice. See Notes on Implementation of INFORM/CONSENT GUI Interfaces for details.



Home Organisations may consider taking the following steps to reduce their risks

  • Study the Code of Conduct for Service Providers and, based on the Home Organisation's local risk management procedures, decide if a Service Provider's unilateral commitment to the Code of Conduct provides the Home Organisation with sufficient guarantees for an Attribute release
  • Ensure that the Service Provider has committed to the Data Protection Code of Conduct for Service Providers
  • Ensure that the Service Provider's Purpose of Processing is consistent with the Home Organisation's Purpose of Processing (typically, "support Research and Instruction").
  • If the Service Provider requests only a particular Attribute value, release only that value and no other values
    • for instance, if the Service Provider requests only eduPersonAffiliation="member", do not release eduPersonAffiliation="faculty"
    • for instance, if the Service Provider requests only eduPersonEntitlement="", do not release eduPersonEntitlement=""
    • see SAML 2 Profile for the Code of Conduct for details on SAML metadata for requesting only particular values
  • Inform the end user on the Attribute release
    • by providing the following information to the user when s/he is accessing a new Service Provider for the first time
      • the identity of the Service Provider (mdui:DisplayName and mdui:Logo, if available, for better usability and look-and-feel)
      • the purpose of processing (mdui:Description)
      • a clickable link to the Service Provider's Privacy Policy document (mdui:PrivacyStatementURL)
      • for each Attribute, the Attribute name, description and value
      • an easily understood label can be displayed instead of displaying several closely related Attributes (eg the various name Attributes)
    • user can be provided a checkbox "don't show this information again". If s/he checks it, the information above is not provided next time s/he logs in to this Service Provider.
    • see Notes on Implementation of INFORM/CONSENT GUI Interfaces for details and GUI recommendations on how to inform the end user

Deferred until Phase 2 of the Code of Conduct

Note: Introduction to Code of Conduct proposes to defer support to optional extra Attributes to Phase 2.

  • If the user consents to, release extra Attributes that are purely optional but provide a higher service level to the user
    • flagged as REQUIRING CONSENT
    • If several Attributes are released based on consent, the user MUST be able to give his/her consent individually to each Attribute or each group of similar Attributes (for instance, a user could be asked to consent to release "name", and this single consent would allow the release of cn, sn, givenName and displayName).
    • user can be provided a checkbox "remember my consent". If s/he checks it, consent is not asked next time
    • if Attribute release is based on consent, the user must be able to view and withdraw his/her previously given consents any time
    • see What attributes are relevant for a Service Provider for details on the Attributes
    • see SAML 2 Profile for the Code of Conduct for details on SAML metadata for flagging Attributes as necessary
    • see Notes on Implementation of INFORM/CONSENT GUI Interfaces for details and GUI recommendations on how to ask user consent
  • No labels