Wednesday 13th of July 2016 at 14-15 (UTC), 16-17 (CEST), 9-10 (CDT)
Adobe Connect,
Chris W
David G
David L
Jim B
Thomas L
Paul C
Wolfgang P
Mikael L
- Introductions
- David G, Wolfgng P and Mikael L can use AARC funding for the work
- Working group terms
- agreed on the terms
- discussion on the approach
- AARC – minimal LoA requirements for low-risk research
- comments received indicated more detail needed for an assurance profile
- InCommon – Baseline expectations for trust
- evolution based on InCommon POP (more structure, more specific on contents, possibilities to enforce)
- keep still basic, simple and self-asserted
- currently in community consultation
cleaned from technology bits (X.509)
splits off various elements of assurance: vetting, credential management, etc
in terms of 'old' NIST level inbetween 1 and 2, with less emphasis on external audits
- meets the requirements from some of the larger cross-national e-Infras (EGI, PRACE, WLCG, OSG & XSEDE)
Jim proposes to have the community (OSG) help evaluate IdPs against this level [Jim to add here ...], including at least the DoE natl. labs.
NIST 800-63 approach
breaking down the monolitic approach to dimensions:
related trust marks:
- US government published spreadsheet for entrophy calculations:
- deliverables – what, when
- minimal and differentiated assurance profiles
- REFEDS WG timeframe is 12 months, AARC needs to deliver in March/April
- Next steps
- Mikael to create and others to contribute to a Google doc with vectors:
- identity – re-assign of Identifiers (yes/no)
- identity proofing – (self-asserted/.../BIRCH)
- authentication (password/password with certain entrophy/2FA/HSM...)
- ePAaffiliation freshness on departure (no quarantee/x months latancy/...)
- Mikael to create and others to contribute to a Google doc with vectors:
- next vc
- Mikael to prepare doodle for Aug/Sep
- current timeslot was found best compromise for people in Europe/US