Due to the lack of attendees (meeting was to be rescheduled but the notification wasn't sent out). That the meeting should be held over until next meeting and promoted via the mailing list, Slack and other fora to attract more participation.
Problems with moving forward
Note that the eduGAIN profile v2 will be implemented by the time of the next meeting.
Tom - can we write up a process document, things that need to be done. process cannot be directly given. (Alan - are there any particular parts of process that can be adopted from previous work in InCommon? surely some actions are reproducible)
Albert and Shannon to draft a rewrite of the first introduction paragraph. the group did some chopping and changing of words but no decisive words resulted. Rather than starting with the trust question, we are going to note the Identity Federation (what is Identity Federation? we've never defined what everything is at a higher level in an agreed term) and then ask how do we trust this thing? need to call out trust relationship and then how that is reached (baseline)