To get practical experience on REFEDS Assurance framework (RAF) and REFEDS Single-factor authentication (SFA) profile, including
- any remaining vagueness or obscurity in RAF and SFA specifications
- any issues with deploying the RAF and SFA specifications on existing SAML products
The pilot will
- deploy the RAF and SFA specifications to a handful of SAML IdPs and SPs exposed to eduGAIN from different federations. If an IdP can deliver REFEDS MFA, it should be deployed as well to support REFEDS Espresso.
- feed the pilot findings to the 1.0 release of the specifications.
- present the final report in the REFEDS meeting in June 2018.
The intention is to keep the pilot small and agile (to minimise the logistics) but have a good representation of SAML implementations.
Draft RAF specification and SFA specification suite is in the working group main page. REFEDS MFA v 1.0 is here.
Pilot steps
Steps for IdPs in the pilot
- Read the RAF specification carefully and identify to which RAF assurance values the end users in the IdP would qualify
- Read the SFA and MFA specifications and identify which profile the IdP can satisfy (at least for some users)
- Decorate (at least some) end user accounts in the back-end IdM system with values found in (1). If all user accounts qualify to a particular value, the configuration can be done in the IdP server, too.
- Configure the SAML IdP to process the incoming Authentication context class reference requests, carry out the authentication as requested (or provide a proper error message) and deliver the proper Authentication context class reference and eduPersonAssurance attribute values in the response
Steps for SPs in the pilot
- Read RAF, SFA (and MFA) carefully and deciding which RAF assurance values are interesting for the SP
- Configure the SP to request the SAML authentication context(s) from IdPs and observe/act on the values received.
For both IdPs and SPs it is also necessary to participate in the coordination and reporting of the pilot. In practice, it means
- biweekly coordination calls
- publish relevant IdP/SP server configurations
- contributing the findings to a final report
Pilot IdPs and SPs
Following IdPS have shown interest in the pilot
- The University of Chicago (urn:mace:incommon:uchicago.edu, InCommon federation), Shibboleth, supports R&S
- XSEDE IdP (https://idp.xsede.org/idp/shibboleth, InCommon federation), Shibboleth, supports R&S
- Aalto university (https://idp.aalto.fi/idp/shibboleth, Haka federation), Shibboleth, supports GEANT CoCo
- CSC - IT Center for Science (https://idp.csc.fi/idp/shibboleth, Haka federation), Shibboleth, supports GEANT CoCo
Following SPs have shown interest in the pilot
- ELIXIR (https://login.elixir-czech.org/proxy/, eduID.cz), SimpleSAMLphp based IdP/SP proxy, serving the ELIXIR research infrastructure AAI, claims REFEDS R&S and GEANT CoCo
- BBMRI (https://login.bbmri-eric.eu/proxy/, eduID.cz), SimpleSAMLphp based IdP/SP proxy, serving the BBMRI research infrastructure, claims REFEDS R&S and GEANT CoCo
- EGI Check-in (https://aai.egi.eu/proxy/module.php/saml/sp/metadata.php/sso, GRNET), SimpleSAMLphp based IdP/SP proxy, serving the EGI e-infrastructure, claims REFEDS R&S
- CILogon (https://cilogon.org/shibboleth, InCommon federation), Shibboleth based SP, serving the CILogon service, claims REFEDS R&S