V/C info
- Open Actions
- Administrivia
- Membership
- Seats up in 2022: David Bantz, Christos Kanellopoulos, Miro Milinovic
- Seven seats required by Schema Board Terms of Reference, nine permitted (not including ex-officio)
- Heather to come up with a schedule for nominations
- schacGender
- Deprecate or expand? Open a consultation?
- Previous discussion on schacGender in Schema Editorial Board Notes, 15 February 2021 and on SCHAC schema usage in Schema Editorial Board Notes, 10 March 2021
- New proposed subcommittee: Pronouns subcommittee
- Requires board approval
- Subcommittee status
- voPerson
- Status of splitting the eduPerson spec into core and supplemental
- Splitting Protocols From Schema Documents
- [KH] EduPerson attributes now included in the draft Attribute Dictionary (https://github.internet2.edu/api-schema/attribute-dictionary/blob/draft/attribute-dictionary.adoc )
- Splitting Protocols From Schema Documents
- Open Actions
- Administrivia
- AI: Heather to determine if we need a December meeting
- Membership
- AI: Heather to send out call for nominations
- schacGender
- Deprecate?
- Expand? This would require unlinking from the ISO definition, then maintaining existing values for backwards compatibility
- Is there another standard to relink to?
- Attribute is single-value which might or might not be a problem
- Create an entirely new attribute?
- Back in February, the board agreed to deprecate the attribute following community consultation (presumably to schema-discuss)
- If use cases are presented for a gender-like attribute, we can reopen the topic at that point
- AI: Heather to open community consultation for deprecation
- Pronouns
- The board approves the creation of the Pronouns Subcommittee, David will participate (as may other board members)
- If we can get the timezones right, Alan will try to join
- AI: Heather to announce to appropriate venues and set up initial meeting
- The board approves the creation of the Pronouns Subcommittee, David will participate (as may other board members)
- Status of splitting the eduPerson spec
- Benn and Keith to continue working on this, may need a working session