V/C Info
Topic: Schema Board - October 2020
Time: Oct 8, 2020 12:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 862 8917 5882
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Expected Attendees:
- Miroslav Milinović
- David St Pierre Bantz
- Alan Buxey
- Heather Flanagan
- Benjamin Oshrin
- Keith Hazelton
- Mario Reale
- Terry Smith
- Open Actions
- Administrivia
- (SCHAC URN Registry) Delegation of urn:schac:homeOrganizationType:nz to Tuakiri
- Subcommittee status
- eduPersonAffiliation - proposal to close
- eduPersonReportingCode
- voPerson
- splitting the eduPerson spec into core and supplemental
- Open Actions
- Miro will send a reminder to the IETF AD's about rfc6338-bis; Heather will follow up with the ADs as necessary
- Benn has sent the query to the schema discuss list about the ssh ldap public key schema; there has been discussion on the list but there seems to be a misunderstanding about what is intended and note that we will go ahead with this (given there is no arguments opposed).
- Subject to lack of objection from the community, Benn will reach out to the current OID space owner and work on getting this transitioned to Schema Board management.
- Benjamin Oshrin will reach out to the owner of the current OID space for the ssh ldap public key schema and work on getting this transitioned to Schema Board management.
- Subject to lack of objection from the community, Benn will reach out to the current OID space owner and work on getting this transitioned to Schema Board management.
- Administrivia
- (SCHAC URN Registry) Delegation of urn:schac:homeOrganizationType:nz to Tuakiri
- Effectively, federation operators are automatically delegated their national extensions in the SCHAC registry. Any other delegation requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis by the Schema Board.
- The board should consider the guidance provided in RFC 3613 regarding identifier assignments when considering those additional requests.
- (SCHAC URN Registry) Delegation of urn:schac:homeOrganizationType:nz to Tuakiri
- Subcommittee status
- eduPersonAffiliation - proposal to close
- Board approves closure
- eduPersonReportingCode
- The subcommittee has a rough draft proposal with final text to be added based on some input from David Bantz. When that is done, Heather will post it to the subcommittee and the Schema board for consideration and to determine if it is ready for public consultation.
- voPerson
- Still a (slow) work in progress. The 2.0 version is usable in the OID space, but the final spec is not complete.
- eduPersonAffiliation - proposal to close
- splitting the eduPerson spec into core and supplemental
- see: Splitting Protocols From Schema Documents
- "core schema" and "attribute dictionaries" are being used as interchangable terms
- the only thing that is implementable is the protocol specification
- the term "profile" may be too vague.
- Will this proposal of a logical taxonomy work for eduPerson? As a reminder, the reason to consider this is because we are dealing with more and more protocols, so we want to make the information natively available to those protocols rather than forcing them through LDAP.
- Benjamin Oshrin and Keith Hazelton to update the Splitting Protocols document to describe the proposal in more detail, explaining the ramifications of the potential changes in more detail, and then sharing that with the community before we start work on eduPerson itself
- see: Splitting Protocols From Schema Documents