These are the final top level areas for the 2016 workplan. 

REF16-1: REFEDS Coordination and Management

Lead: Licia Florio / Nicole Harris


  • To progress REFEDS position as an important player within the access and identity management space internationally.  
  • To build on established relationships with GÉANT project, ISOC and Kantara. 
REF16-1AREFEDS BOFS at appropriate meetings throughout the year.

REFEDS Contributed to training sessions in Dakar (WACREN) and Hong Kong (APAN).  Blog posts on these meetings are available.

A planning meeting will be held in December aligned to the AARC general meeting.

Nicole Harris01/201612/2016COMPLETE
REF16-1BMaintain and develop the REFEDS blog, wiki and website.

As normal.

Nicole Harris / Licia Florio01/201612/2016IN PROGRESS
REF16-1CREFEDS annual meetings.TNC and Internet2 Fall Meeting.Nicole Harris / Licia Florio01/201612/2016IN PROGRESS
REF16-1DImplement 2016 REFEDS Survey.As 2015.  This will be released alongside the GÉANT 2016 Compendium.Nicole Harris / Licia Florio01/201603/2016COMPLETE
REF16-1EManage REFEDS contracts with third parties.

Contract with IAY in place.

Contract with HF in place.

Nicole Harris / Licia Florio01/201603/2016COMPLETE
REF16-1FManage REFEDS Sponsorships.Current sponsor list.Nicole Harris / Licia FlorioAs appropriateAs appropriateIN PROGRESS

REF16-2: Specialist Working Groups

Lead: Heather Flanagan


  • To provide infrastructure and support for evolving ideas and areas in the REFEDS community. 

FOG: Federation Operators Group

Ongoing operation as usual.Peter Schober with support from Nicole Harris01/201612/2016IN PROGRESS

OIDC(re): OpenID Connect for Research and Education

Not started yet.  Roland H working on workplans.   Initial announcements sent to the group.

 - include OIDC / eduperson mapping work.

Roland Hedberg with support from Heather Flanagan01/201612/2016IN PROGRESS
REF16-2CSIRTFIWork developing well, continuing to support.Hannah Short with support from Nicole Harris01/201612/2016IN PROGRESS
REF16-2DORCID  Laura Paglione with support from Heather Flanagan 01/2016 12/2016IN PROGRESS
REF16-2EIdPs of Last ResortEstablished at TNC. Keith Hazleton with support from Heather Flanagan01/201612/2016IN PROGRESS
REF16-2FAssuranceEstablished at TNC.  Work underway on baseline expectations for IdPs and an Assurance Wireframe.Mikael Linden with support from Heather Flanagan06/201612/2016IN PROGRESS
REF16-2GEntity Category SupportWork for REFEDS R&S v1.3 completed.  Next steps: R&S2, affiliation, academiaNicole Harris with support from Nicole Harris06/201612/2016IN PROGRESS

REF16-3: Promotion and Communication

Lead: Licia Florio


  • To provide materials and support mechanisms to help federations promote effective approaches to IdPs and SPs.
  • To provide feedback on documents produced by other groups to support clarity of messages.
REF16-3APromotional material and support for entity categoriesGÉANT manpower

Nicole Harris


01/201606/2016IN PROGRESS
REF16-3BEvangelical SPworking with AARC? Spherical Cow?AARC felt that running such a thing is outside the AARC's remit. Maybe something for either eduGAIN or GN4 to consider?06/210612/2016NOT STARTED

Cloud Services and Federated Identity

 - CIC Cloud Cookbook feedback.

 - GÉANT project feedback.

GÉANT manpowerContracted to Heather FlanaganTBDTBDIN PROGRESS

Library focus
 - Sharing information around common clauses in library contracts.
 - Looking at different library types, relationship to R&E and infrastructure provision

 - AARC Factsheet for libraries

Carried out by AARC team.To talk to AARC, but after AARC2 preparation.04/201606/2016COMPLETE
REF16-3ETechnical focus
 - encourage federations to share more information about their technical infrastructure, software used, software developments and future software requirements (e.g. shibboleth, simplesaml, federation registries etc.)

GÉANT manpower

 - questions in the survey. 

 - encouraging sharing.

Contracted to Heather Flanagan to manage reports via blogposts. TBDTBDIN PROGRESS

REF16-4: Standards and Specifications

Lead: Nicole Harris


  • To provide support for the development of standards and specifications under the REFEDS banner.
  • To pilot specification work to support implementation requirements.
  • To put in place structures to ensure specification and schema sustainability.
REF16-4ASupport revision of SAML2Int
 - Discuss with refeds and coordinate contributions to the Kantara WG.
Awaiting developments at InCommon and in Kantara. Aligns to the need to update SAML2Int in the eduGAIN policy framework.  Discussed at Internet2 meeting but it was felt there was nothing more that REFEDS could do above the efforts at Kantara.N/AN/AN/ANOT REQUIRED

eduPerson / SCHAC liaison
 - Work on adding new values to eduPerson (pre-attendance).

 Contracted to Heather FlanaganTBDTBDIN PROGRESS

DNS Scope verification
 - Specify approaches to direct use of DNS records for scope verification.
 - Clarify existing approaches to scope verification in federations. 


Entity categories
 - continue to support standardisation of new categories.
 - support for "interference" coordination work.

Need to do a review of R&S entities. Nicole to continue leading these conversations.  A group has been established under the "Working Group" banner but is not being managed as a separate list as it was felt it was better to include these important conversations on the main REFEDS list due to scope of impact.

Nicole Harris01/201612/2016COMPLETE

Abstract attributes
 - define approaches to abstract attributes to allow groups of attributes to be used.
 - feed into proposals to produce guidelines on attribute release for edugain.
 - create registry of attributes if appropriate.

This is closely associated with ideas being introduced as part of the R&S revision and will be taken further forward as we discuss R&S v2. Nicole Harriscontinue work in 2017continue work in 2017COMPLETE
REF16-4FREFEDS RFC ProcessContracted to IAY. Work progressing steadily. Ian Young04/201612/2016IN PROGRESS

REF16-5: REFEDS Services

Lead: Nicole Harris


  • To pilot FedLab as a tool for research and education federations.
  • To continue using MET and enhance where possible.
  • To move REEP into full service with pilots.
REF16-5AFedLab supportContract (15)079 agreed with Rainer in December 2015Nicole Harris12/201504/2016IN PROGRESS

Contract in place with GARR for central operations.  Development work to be contracted to RETI (Andrea).

New features added and delivered in Oct.

Licia Florio01/201612/2016COMPLETE

New PEER/REEP software installed and bugs fixed. Service now working.

Added also an FAQ section.

Licia Florio01/201612/2016COMPLETE




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